Prema McAfee-ju, trenutaÄno najopasniji pojam za pretraživanje na Internetu je – “Cameron Diaz”. Drugi najopasniji pojam je “Julia Roberts”. U sluÄaju pretraživanja pojma “Cameron Diaz”, statistiÄki imate 10 % vjerojatnosti da ćete naići na zaraženi site koji može nanijeti Å¡etu VaÅ¡em raÄunalu. Cijeli tekst možete proÄitati na ovoj poveznici.
You are currently browsing the archives for August, 2010.
Najopasniji pojam na Internetu
24/08/2010 // Posted in ICT sigurnost | No Comments
Anonimnost na internetu ne postoji
12/08/2010 // Posted in ICT sigurnost | No Comments
Izvršni direktor Googlea: Anonimnost na internetu ne postoji!
GOOGLE zna Å¡to gledate, Å¡to pretražujete, Äak i tko su vam prijatelji.
Strani mediji ovdje u Äudu podižu obrve i pitaju se koji je stav izvrÅ¡nog direktora Googlea Erica Schmidta o privatnosti na internetu. Detalje pogledajte u video snimci.
Schmidt je na konferenciji ranije ovoga mjeseca izjavio da je anonimnost na internetu ugrožena. “U svijetu s tolikim prijetnjama je jednostavno preopasno da ne postoji neki naÄin identifikacije”, rekao je.
Anonimnost treba razlikovati od privatnosti
IzvrÅ¡ni direktor Googlea je objasnio da bi vlade zemalja uskoro mogle stati na kraj anonimnosti na internetu. “Trebamo (provjerenu) bazu imena. Vlade će je tražiti”.
“Privatnost je neizmjerno važna i ne treba je mijeÅ¡ati s anonimnošću. Vrlo je važno da Google i svi ostali poÅ¡tuju privatnost drugih na mreži. Ljudi imaju pravo na privatnost, to je prirodno i normalno”, objasnio je svoj stav u jednom kasnijem intervjuu.
MeÄ‘utim, i tu postoje granice, kaže on. “Ako pokuÅ¡avate poÄiniti užasan zloÄin, oÄito da vam za to ne treba biti pružena mogućnost potpune anonimnosti. Nema sustava u naÅ¡em druÅ¡tvu koji bi to dopustio, suci inzistiraju na otkrivanju poÄinitelja. Potpuna anonimnost bi mogla dovesti do vrlo teÅ¡kih odluka za vlade te naÅ¡e druÅ¡tvo u cjelini i mislim da to takoÄ‘er ne bismo htjeli”, zavrÅ¡io je Schmidt.
(preuzeto u cijelosti s Index.HR)
Teorijske odrednice o informacijskoj sigurnosti i informacijskom kapitalu
09/08/2010 // Posted in ÄŒlanci/konferencije/predavanja | No Comments
Na Orkis.HR objavljen je prvi iz serije od tri Älanka s temom “Informacijska sigurnost u funkciji upravljanja informacijskim kapitalom poduzeća”. Na kraju Älanka pod “Vezani dokumenti” nalazi se i datoteka za preuzimanje u kojoj je razrada tematike.
1. Uvod
2. Strategijska važnost informacijske sigurnosti u upravljanju poduzećem
3. Utjecaj koncepta rizika na informacijsku sigurnost poduzeća
4. Nastanak i pojam informacijskog kapitala
5. Podaci, informacije i znanje kao sastavnice informacijskog kapitala
6. Upravljanje informacijskim kapitalom poduzeća
UAE i Saudijska Arabija zabranjuju BlackBerry?
02/08/2010 // Posted in Legislativa | No Comments
Two Gulf states to ban some Blackberry functions
(preuzeto u cijelosti sa Web stranica BBC Newsa)
The UAE denies censorship is involved
Two Gulf states have announced bans on some functions of the Blackberry mobile phone, claiming security concerns.
The United Arab Emirates is to block sending e-mails, accessing the internet, and delivering instant messages to other Blackberry handsets.
Saudi Arabia is to prevent the use of the Blackberry-to-Blackberry instant messaging service.
Both nations are unhappy that they are unable to monitor such communications via the handsets.
This is because the Blackberry handsets automatically send the encrypted data to computer servers outside the two countries.
The UAE ban is to start in October, while the Saudi move will begin later this month.
Abdulrahman Mazi, a board member of state-controlled Saudi Telecom, has admitted that the decision is intended to put pressure on Blackberry’s Canadian owner, Research in Motion (RIM), to release data from users’ communications “when needed”.
The UAE’s telecoms regulator, TRA, said the lack of compliance with local laws raised “judicial, social and national security concerns”.
RIM said in a statement that it “does not disclose confidential regulatory discussions that take place with any government”.
“However, RIM assures its customers that it is committed to continue delivering highly secure and innovative products that satisfy the needs of both customers and governments.”
There are an estimated 500,000 Blackberry users in the UAE, and 400,000 in Saudi Arabia.
A year after the UAE’s botched attempt to download spyware onto Blackberries, it seems the government is still not happy that it can’t monitor e-mails sent and received by Blackberry users.
So it now says it will ban the devices altogether.
But given the popularity of the Blackberry here, an outright ban will be controversial.
Forums and blogs already talk of a ‘step back to the Stone Age’ and ‘another PR disaster for the UAE’.
But is an outright ban actually likely?
Many here see this as little more than a power play from the UAE authorities – an attempt to force RIM to hand over the security codes or face losing a lucrative market.
But for RIM, it’s unlikely to be too concerned. Whilst the UAE is a wealthy and lucrative market, it’s also a small one.
TRA said some Blackberry services would be suspended from 11 October “until a solution compatible with local laws is reached”.
“It’s a final decision but we are continuing discussions with them,” said TRA director general Mohammed al-Ghanem.
“Censorship has got nothing to do with this. What we are talking about is suspension due to the lack of compliance with UAE telecommunications regulations.”
It follows an alleged attempt by TRA last year to install spyware on Blackberry handsets.
And in 2007 RIM refused TRA access to the code for RIM’s encrypted networks so it could monitor email and other data.
Power play?
Media freedom watchdog Reporters Without Borders told the BBC last week that while the UAE was playing a “technological leadership role in the Arab world”, this was backed by “repressive laws” and a “general trend of intensified surveillance”.
BBC Middle East business reporter Ben Thompson said the threat by the UAE was likely to be an attempt to wring concessions out of RIM.
“Many here see this as little more than a power play from the UAE authorities – an attempt to force RIM to handover the security codes or face losing a lucrative market,” he said.
India has also raised security concerns over Blackberry data services, saying they could be exploited by militants.