Od 30.05.2016. do 03.06.2016. u Opatiji će se održati 39. meÄ‘unarodni skup za informacijsku i komunikacijsku tehnologiju, elektroniku i mikroelektroniku u Opatiji. Na rad su prijavljena dva rada koautora doc.dr.sc. SaÅ¡e Aksentijevića, stalnog sudskog vjeÅ¡taka za informatiku i telekomunikacije, i to iz podruÄja upravljanja i izgradnje poslovnih informacijskih sustava i informacijske sigurnosti.
Oba rada prošla su postupak recenzije i po izradi zbornika radova s konferencije bit će objavljeni u sekciji Radovi.
- The modern approach to the analysis of logistics information systems
Ana Iskra 1, Edvard Tijan 2, Saša Aksentijević 3
1 E-mail: ana_iskra@yahoo.com
2 University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies
Studentska 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Tel: +385 51 33 84 11 Fax: +385 51 33 67 55 E-mail: etijan@pfri.hr
3 Aksentijević Forensics and Consulting, Ltd.
Gornji Sroki 125a, Viškovo, Croatia
Tel: +385 51 65 17 00 Fax: +385 51 65 17 81 E-mail: axy@vip.hr
Abstract – The terms of logistic management in organizations and the use of information and telecommunication technologies in support of the management are inextricably intertwined. The fundamental benefit which business systems obtain by using logistics business information systems is the optimization of business processes. By using the logistics information systems the focus is shifted to those business processes that result in the highest added value. The highest level of development of logistics business information systems results in the construction of an integrated logistics information system that allows data mining processes and supports managerial decision making. This paper analyzes the development of logistics information systems, their types and functionalities in the context of modern business environments.
Key words: logistics, information system, business process
- Information security assessment in nature parks
SaÅ¡a Aksentijević 1, Toni Äugum 2, KreÅ¡imir Å akić 3
1 Aksentijević Forensics and Consulting, Ltd.
Gornji Sroki 125a, Viškovo, Croatia
Tel: +385 51 65 17 00 Fax: +385 51 65 17 81 E-mail: axy@vip.hr
2 National Park Krka
Trg Ivana Pavla II br. 5, Å ibenik, Croatia
Tel: +385 22 20 17 77 Fax: +385 22 33 68 36 E-mail: toni.dugum@npk.hr
National Park Krka
Trg Ivana Pavla II br. 5, Å ibenik, Croatia
Tel: +385 22 20 17 77 Fax: +385 22 33 68 36 E-mail: kresimir.sakic@npk.hr
Abstract – In this paper, specific requirements for information security assessment will be identified along with proposal for the model specially tailored to suit the audit needs of the information systems within nature parks – protected and conserved areas. Elements of information security management system for nature parks are described along with specific information security elements called situations, to be evaluated. Proposed model is set in a way to provide quantitative evaluation of the overall system of information security management. The audit approach involves definition of cardinal events of information security, assets, threats and related vulnerabilities. Final outcome of the assessment is not only mark that represents overall state of affairs within information security management system, but also a set of recommendations for remedial measures and implementation of controls of information security in nature parks in order to elevate already achieved and determined compliance level. Proposed model is tested in case of nature park “Krka†in Croatia and the test results provide unique and adequate insight in achieved level of information security management system compliance.
Key words: information security, nature park, audit, quality systems, national park Krka